Christian Hope NetworkGreetings! We are a para-church, here to serve the needs of our community. Our resouces include the Hope Connection prayer line (718) 238-4600, Agape Prayer Ministries, which include our worldwide Prayer partners who are standing by to pray for your needs. email HopeNet@aol.com or call the Hope Connection. Also included is our Senior to Senior ministry. If you, or a senior you know would like to receive a friendly "Care Call" from one of our Senior volunteers once a week, call the Hope Connection phone number. If you have a missing love one, and would like help on the Internet to locate him/her, email Lostsheeps@aol.com. Our 6 to 9000 intercessors online will print the picture, post it in their neighborhood, and pray till the person is found. If your child, age 12 to 17 would like an e-pal to share prayer reqests, Bible, or encouragment with another teen, e-mail JesusKids@aol.com. Reminder! An adult must be present when a child is on the Internet. We have referral and follow up services. We offer literature concerning all areas of life; church referrals, pastoral visits, food and shelter hotlines; pregnancy crisis centers; victim services for battered women; drug and alcohol rehabilitation services. Send comments to Christian Hope Network |